Developing Promising Ventures From
Seed Stage To Success.
About Hii-Finance
Hii-Finance Corp (HFC) is a Woman-Owned-Business founded in 1989 by Samia Farouki. It focuses on investing in and developing successful businesses, across a variety of phases from seed to mature stages. HFC’s supports start-ups, large enterprises, minority-owned, women-owned, and other special interest businesses as well as companies interested in expanding into international markets.

Membership and Donations

Donations & Support

Sectors of Interest


Construction Materials and Equipment

LPG Storage & Distribution


Food & Beverage Production

Distribution, Warehousing & Logistics

Acquisition and Management of Investments in U.S & International Middle Market Companies

Financial Specialty Lending, Trade, Finance and Advisory Services

Design, Manufacturing & U.S Distribution of Women’s Apparel

Healthcare, Specialty Pharmaceuticals

Infrastructure & Land Development

Investing in a range of Government and Private Financial Securities through 77 Special Purpose Vehicles